Welcome to my doll gallery. The dolls displayed here are Asian  ball-jointed dolls and Japanese 27cm fashion/customizable dolls.

I've got to stop allowing these big gaps ^^; The past 5 months have seen 2.5 dolls arrive, and one of those depart. Everything here is in desperate need of catch-up... let's see how diligently (or not) I can work on that... My rate of photography is slower lately, so if I can stay motivated to post stuff here, hmm....

GAH, it's been so long! ^^; Since the last update, I've had a grown-up Erran come and go, a mysterious fox-boy sneak in, and a bard grace me with his presence. New pages soon, I hope. ^^;

Updated Mara's and Daniel's galleries. :3

Updated Ellis' gallery and added Mara's and Daniel's! :D

The Deprivation photostories have all been posted :D Luciel's gallery was updated, too.

Mini-Mara, Luciel, and Ellis now have up-to-date galleries (we'll have to see how long THAT lasts... XD;)

Everyone's bios are up, now to get cracking on those galleries... XD;;

I've been wanting to renovate for quite some time, and now I've finally got a plan and some time, so here we go :3 The first time around, I'm going to try to get everyone's profile up... the galleries may lag a bit. ¬_¬

Hmm, hit a bit of a dry spell there, my bad ;) The boys are all due for an update, and there are two new little faces on the horizon...

The page updates continue slowly, as I seem to gather more pictures faster than I can update.. heh ;) Leda has gone on to a new home, Luciel has come to stay, and Daniel is on the horizon.. I guess this is turning into a boys' dorm ;)

Whew, just a 3-month, 4-doll hiatus... yikes. ^_^;; Finally getting around to putting up everyone else's pics, and updating Joshu's gallery, a little at a time. XD Hopefully everything will be up by the end of the week. :3

Haaa.. I finally fell for the big dolls... I've had Joshu for over a month now, but have been too busy to put his page up... And I've been taking LOTS of pictures... Now I've just ordered another boy (in pieces..) and a lady friend for them, but it's going to be a while (probably the rest of the month?) before she arrives... ^__^

Finally, a new doll! Sean was a gift for a friend, as he's a character she created, but I snapped a few pictures before he left.

Whee, two new outfits for Mara. Poor clothes-horse girl. ^_^; This also marks the photo-debut of her new EB Beauty B body, which I generally like much better than the DP body she had before, though there are some pros and cons for each body.

And so it begins. O_o Only doll who's really done right now is Mara, and ye gods, does she have a lot of clothes. Two outfits to start, and more to come, likely.

~ Dolls ~
- Mara d'Andrade (27 cm) | Gallery
- Joshu Laurent | Gallery
- Devin Mercure | Gallery
- Allistair Douglas | Gallery
- Luciel | Gallery
- Daniel Renard | Gallery
- Mara d'Andrade (60 cm) | Gallery
- Ellis Hargrave | Gallery
- Yrien | Gallery *
- Andelis Mournegaine | Gallery *
- Amadeo Garivaldi | Gallery *
- Sevris Mournegaine | Gallery *

- Sean Reeve | Gallery
- Gavrie Flynn | Gallery
- Leda Valentine | Gallery
- Erran (45cm) | Gallery *
- Sulien (45cm) | Gallery *
- Erran (62cm) | Gallery *
- Kelveled | Gallery *

- Group photos*
- Photostories

* pics coming soon

Comments?  Questions?  Flames?  mistress@mistrust.com

Find me as Jenova on the Den of Angels community,
or on my doll-centric Livejournal, jenovan.

False Innocence Materia Garden jenovan@DeviantArt