
Doll: Angelregion Little Fair Present Jade, version 1
Faceup: Angelregion default
Arrival: 8/27/2005
Default Hair: carrot-red
Default Eyes: green

I had never thought to own any mini-sized (44cm) dolls when I started out; I wanted all of my dolls to be in the same continuity and scale, and I definitely didn't want any children in my little pocket universe. That wasn't to say, though, that I didn't appreciate some of the mini molds, particularly some of Angelregion's Little Fairs. Then Present Jade came out, and after seeing various owner pics of him, I was smitten. Those lips! Those widely-spaced eyes! And at the time I was considering these things, tan Jade had also been released... a mad plan began to ferment in my brain.

Since I had missed the sale of the Present Jades entirely, I got a version 1 cutie from Yahoo! Japan, ordering a couple of wigs and some clothes quickly so he'd have something when he arrived. I changed out his default acrylic eyes and popped on his unruly red wig, and it was love. ^_^; Through some strange luck, the wig matched his eyebrows perfectly, and Erran had his "look" from day 1.

Erran's returned to the Spirit Realm for the time being. Hopefully he's off bringing smiles to someone else. ^_^


Erran is a fire elemental, or ifrit. He is visiting the Physical Plane to study humans a bit, as he finds them fascinating and very different from the creatures of pure spirit he's used to. Since Erran is a bit of a sweet, naive little thing, his twin brother Sulien tagged along after him to keep him safe.