Erran Doll: Latidoll Red M The Plan was to eventually bring Erran and Sulien back in larger doll form; it had seemed that I played more with the bigger dolls, and I was still in love with the idea of these twin elementals. After some waffling, I finally decided to try the new Latidoll M mold, which bore a certain resemblance to Angelregion Jade. Sulien was supposed to be the first one home, but the default faceup just didn't seem to be working for him... so after a couple of hours of playing with pastels, I realized that it was Erran I had with me, and not his twin. Even with all of that sorted out, things still didn't seem entirely right, and I eventually decided to let Erran wander off again. Small or tall, the twins have always been more ideas than characters in my mind, and as characters, they embody aspects that various other dolls already present. In other words, the twins' personalities seemed repetitive, and I think that was my source of discontent with them. I still miss them from time to time, but I think I learned an important lesson in what I really look for in a doll and the character that goes along with it... _____See Erran's previous bio for more information about the character. |