Starring: Andelis and Amadeo
Just a little slice-of-life in the unpredictable wanderings of my two adventurers.
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Andelis sat -- or perhaps "lounged" was a better word -- in the very comfortable basket-chair as he waited for Amadeo to return from his private meeting with Count Irvine. These were very nice accommodations, indeed, and it was no fun to have no one to appreciate them with.
The sound of footsteps in the hall outside interrupted his thoughts; from the cadence, that was definitely Amadeo. Hmm, perhaps I should make myself more... presentable, the minstrel thought with a little grin, reaching around to untie the stiff sash of his robes.
As lovely as it is, this thing is no better than a lady's corset, he thought ruefully, sighing in relief as he dropped the cloth to the softly carpeted floor. Amadeo knocked lightly and entered just as Andelis reached the door.
"Well," the taller man said, looking around appraisingly, "I see you talked your way to a very nice room..."
"I'm a skilled professional artist," Andelis said, affecting a scoffing tone, "and I deserve a certain level of comfort." He grinned impishly as he sidled up to embrace his lover. "If you don't like it, you can sleep with the servants."
"Hmph." As usual, Amadeo didn't crack a smile, but the minstrel could tell he was amused. "I suppose I can make do here..."
They shared a lingering kiss, Andelis breaking away only reluctantly. "Are you done with 'work' for now?"
"Then come here and listen to my new song." Always eager to share his work with an appreciative audience, Andelis took the seeker's hand, intent on leading him to the sitting area.
"A new one? What's it about?"
"A woman whose lover disappears in a haunted forest, it's really quite tragic and strange, I think... "
As they reached the chair, Amadeo noted the gold sash lying on the floor, and only then realized that the minstrel was one strong shrug from shedding his clothes entirely. "Does the performance of this song somehow involve getting undressed?"
"Mmm, no, that's for the encore," Andelis replied with a wicked smirk.
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