May You Find Some Comfort Here
Starring: Devin and Luciel

Working on a prompt to shoot Dev and Luciel together, I decided to take what was pretty much a canonical scene in "Definition" and add a little more physical contact to it. ;) This could still be considered canon, however.

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Devin: Why do you have that form, anyway? It's not like I know anyone who looks like that.

Luciel: Well, your subconscious mind probably took what you knew about angels in general, and what you felt from me when you first saw me, and combined them this way.

Devin: But why that exact form?

Luciel: Perhaps because it was what your mind most wanted to see.

Devin: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Luciel: You tell me, Devin. But I think you know what I mean.

Devin: *shove* What?...

Luciel: My appearance is a reflection of what you wanted to see when you were in need. Perhaps it's simply...

Luciel: ...what you find most comforting.

Devin: .... *¬_¬*

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