Don't Lose My Number
Starring: Devin and Allistair
Another sort of off-the-cuff shoot, this one spawned by the arrival of these mini-phones. XD This could easily take place in the Deviation continuity.
♦ ♦ ♦
Allistair: Hey, Dev.. I've got something for you. ^^
Devin: ... what?
A: A cell phone!
D: . . . .
A: Hey, every entrepreneur needs a cell phone, right?
D: ... I don't exactly have an ad in the phone book, you know...
A: ... Well, we can call each other. ^_^;
D: ...
A: Hmm, Dev's late... wonder where he is...
*ring, ring...*
A: ...Devin...
*ring, ring...*
A: Where are you...?
*ring, ring...*
D: How the flying hell do I answer this thing?!
♦ ♦ ♦