Uses for a Bed
Starring: Devin and Allistair
Randomly spawned by the acquisition of a more-or-less scale bed for the kids. The first two pics were truly random; the story grew from there. This could easily take place in the Deviation continuity.
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Allistair: ... So, was it good for you? <3
Devin: Don't make me hit you. And for God's sake, get your hand out of your pants. ¬_¬;;
Allistair: Spoilsport.
Devin: Hey, what're you —
Allistair: We've got this nice new bed, might as well use it, hmm?
Devin: ... There's something wrong with your logic... ¬_¬
A: Ah, that's the problem here — you're still using logic.
D: My apologies for being a rational thinker... :P
A: Apology accepted...
D: ... I can't do this...
A: ... Devin, you've got to shake it off and move forward...
D: ...
A: You're lucky I'm patient... ^_~
D: ...I know...
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