Parting Ways
Starring: Devin, Luciel, Allistair, Erran, and Sulien

Erran and Sulien bid farewell to Devin & company... for now.

♦ ♦ ♦

Luciel: Umm.. There's a visitor here for Erran. ^^;

Devin: ... Huh?
Luciel: Someone's here to see him. Actually, it's —

???: I am Sulien, and I'm here to retrieve my brother.

Devin: ...oh-KAY...

Allistair: Someone's here?
Erran: ...!!

Sulien: .... ~_~;
Erran: =D

Sulien: Are you ready to go home?
Erran: ... =\

Luciel: Surely it won't be forever, little one. ^_^
Erran: =3

Allistair: Take care, okay?
Erran: =D

Devin: ...What?

Devin: oof!
Erran: ^___^ Thank you~!

Devin: problem. ¬_¬;; Be good, kid.

Sulien: Are you ready now?
Erran: Yes! =)

Luciel: Goodbye for now!
Allistair: See ya!
Devin: ...'bye...

Sulien: Farewell, for now.
Erran: 'Bye! =D

And so Erran returned to the Spirit Realm with his brother, leaving our grumpy mage with a much quieter existence... except for that damned pianist upstairs..

♦ ♦ ♦