The New Roommate
Starring: Devin, Luciel, Allistair, and Erran
Erran doesn't speak English... but he's very expressive, regardless. XD; Erran and his brother don't appear in the Deviation continuity...yet.
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Luce: I'm back! :D
Devin: ...hey.
Luce: Aaaaand, I've brought a friend! ^___^
Devin: ...
Luce: This is Erran. As you can see, he's an ifrit. ^^
Erran: =3
Devin: ... . . . Oh, HELL no.
Erran: =(?
Luce: Now, now, Devin, he's quite eager to learn about humans, and considering how accustomed you are to having spirits around, I figured this would be a safe "base" for him...
Erran: =3?
Devin: ... Luce, what are 90% of my possessions?
Luce: ... Books?
Devin: And... Erran, here, is what kind of elemental?
Luce: Fire. ^^;
Devin: Am I the only one who sees a problem here?
Erran: ;_;
Luce: He's not going to accidentally torch your library, Devin. ^^;
Devin: ... *sigh*
Allistair: Oh? Who's this?
Allistair: Well, aren't you cute. ^_^
Erran: =D
Allistair: New flatmate, Dev?
Luciel: *snerk*
Devin: ... I guess.
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